Which Massage To Choose? - Sage Massage And Wellness in North Perth, WA, AU

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Which Massage To Choose?


There are so many massage styles available it’s hard to decide which one may be right for you. Some massage styles are designed to suit people with specific needs or ailments. Others may be suitable for a wider range of clients but can be individualised to suit personal needs.

If you want a massage, but are unsure of which style to choose, think about what you want to get from the massage session and this will help you decide. Here are some massage therapies that may suit you:

Massage therapy for relaxation

If you are after a massage that will give you the chance to relax and unwind, a relaxation massage with aromatherapy oil upgrade may be right for you. An aromatherapy massage uses essential oils. The oils used may be a specific blend chosen by the individual. This massage uses Swedish massage techniques which are deeply relaxing and stimulate circulation. Relaxation massage therapy is undertaken in a calm and peaceful environment and uses gentle motions, making it beneficial for stress relief.

Massage therapy for pain relief

Remedial massage therapy is suitable for people with a specific injury, chronic pain or restricted movement. This massage therapy will identify and treat the root cause of the problem. Stretch and release, trigger point, deep tissue and a range of other techniques are used as part of the treatment. You may also benefit from taping, myofascial cupping or dry needling.

Deep tissue massage is an alternative for those preferring more general release of deep muscular tension.

Massage therapy for sports people

Sports massage therapy draws on techniques to help prevent injuries and improve sporting performance. This massage therapy can also quicken the rate of recovery and can help athletes prepare for competition. Sports massage therapy draws on deep tissue techniques along with stretching to ease muscle spasms caused by physical exertion. This massage therapy can form part of a long-term exercise management program.

Massage therapy for pregnant women

For women that want relief from some of the discomforts of pregnancy there is a massage therapy for you! Pregnancy massage is specifically designed for pregnant women to offer relief from the aches and pains experienced during this joyous time. A pregnancy massage uses specialised pregnancy pillows & positioning to allow mums to be comfortable whilst allowing their therapist access to all the areas needing tension release.

Massage therapy for headaches

Massage is a great way to offer relief for headaches or to prevent them returning.  A specialised ‘Head, Neck &Face’ massage can help ease the intensity of a headache and lower the occurrences. Gentle trigger point or acupressure therapy and jaw release can treat the cause of tension headaches. Reflexology may also help soothe a headache by stimulating points on the feet or hands which according to traditional Eastern medicine.

Massage therapy for improved circulation

Many massages work to improve the flow of blood. Lymphatic massage therapy in particular works to stimulate lymph and blood flow. This assists in the reduction of fluid retention in the body and also stimulates the immune system and removal of waste from the cells of the body.

Why Membership?

  • It’s monthly – so you’ll start to enjoy the changes in your body that a monthly massage makes!
  • It’s flexible – LOVE it, or leave it. You’re only committed for 3 months
  • Let your self-care journey begin!

What Our Members Say?

“I love the way my membership prompts me not to forget – it makes me come in and I’m always so glad that it did!”

- Amy S.

“A member discount and an hour for me every month – it’s WIN WIN!”

- Scott A.

“I love the whole experience, the Members Lounge, the massages, the staff. I always arrive feeling welcomed and leave feeling fantastic.”

- Michelle J.